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Curtain Add-On

I purchased these faux silk curtains from my local Wally World and had them in storage for the longest time. When I finally hung them up I had to hang them above the blinds casing since my rod holders weren't long enough to go around it. (I can't take them down because the stupid hard-working staff at the complex will charge me if I do. They think they'll be able to tell when I move out if I've taken them down and put them back up agian. I don't think so. Thus the 6" gap between the curtains and the floor. It looks terrible!

Need not fear! I have a sewing machine! I picked up this fabric at Hancock in their upholstery/drapery section and it was half off! It was perfect. The blue stripe even matches my new sofa and love seat!
A little CuTTing, pINning and SewINg later and VooaLAH!
My very own Custom curtains.
Sigh of relief! So much better!


1 comment :

  1. Your curtains look fabulous, what a great idea! :) Thanks so much for linking up to my party, hope you'll link up each Thursday! :)
    Have a great day!
