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Printables that I Love

I LOVE these No Soliciting Printables from Anything but Perfect

These "Extra" Printables are from Brie @ Darling Doodles

 As always, LilLuna DOES NOT disappoint! Snag your own Keep Calm printables

The Price is Right for Baby Showers is an awesome idea. Wanna Play? LilLuna will hook you up.

I love these Morning Routine cards from Living Locurto. Great reminder for little ones. . . or not so little ones

After School Conversation cards are a great way to communicate with your kids because they aren't always the best at it. The can be downloaded from TheCraftingChicks 

Brie over at Darling Doodles also has some great Bathroom Printables

Have a printable you would like to share? Let me know and we can add it to the list!


  1. Oooh, thanks for including our Convo Cards in your features! We really appreciate it! Thanks for sharing the other great ones too. :) Have a lovely day!

    Brooke @ The Crafting Chicks

  2. Thanks so much for the feature Ashley! The other printables are fantastic, I think my favorite are the morning routine cards. So cute!

    Brie from Darling Doodles
