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H & N

Here's the next segment of the Birthday Party DIY.
This next project is something that's been in the works for about a year. Must be spectacular right? Nah! I purchased the letters about a year ago from Hobby Lobby for $.50 ea. They are normally $1, but they were half off. Can't beat that. Then I had a heck of a time deciding what to do with them. When it came time for the party, I finally decided I just needed to do something. I purchased the frames at Wally World for like 5 bucks each. I loved the size and the detailing was perfect, especially since I was planning on painting them. I ended up leaving them gold and I love it! Anywho. The original plan was to secure an empty frame and letter separately. Then I realized that the glass panel and a bit of gorilla glue would work even better. I glued the letters right to the glass. (After spray painting the letters of course) 

After they were dry I simply hung the frames on the wall. Super easy and they look great, if I do say so myself! Hope you enjoyed. 


  1. CUTE! And easy, that's my favorite part!


  2. They look darling! Are you going to leave them there or put them up in their rooms?
