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Painted Fireplaces

I know it sounds like a huge faux pas to paint a fireplace surround, but sometimes there is nooo other option. All too often you see in older homes that dreadful 50's and 60's stone fireplace surround. It doesn't go with ANYTHING!!! I'm sure some designers and decorators would disagree and argue that a GOOD designer could make it work. Truth be told: I wouldn't want to make it work!. In reconciling this dilemma there are a few things you could do.
1. You could rip the stone down and completely reface the entire thing.
2. You could drywall over it and then reface the whole thing. 

Don't have the money for 1. or 2. but still hate your dated stone fireplace!?! That's where option 3 comes in.

3. Paint it!!! 

There are probably husbands out there all over the place with their heads in their hands shaking it. Moaning and thinking, "YOU CAN"T JUST PAINT IT!!!!!" Well I say, You can! It doesn't even have to be white. White would be the most 'normal' color that you could chose and would match more homes. But what does your home want? Pick a color that suits your decor. If it's white, then go with it, but maybe a nice bright AQUA would suit you better. If you do choose a bold hue like aqua, I would recommend a dominantly neutral scheme for the rest of the room. Whatever it is, make it yours. Here are some photos I've found via Google search, of painted and non painted fireplaces.

This stunning fireplace was found on Decor Pad

This is a great example of a before and after that I found at Mid-Century Midwest
I love how the stone surround turned out.

This Beauty was found here

Wanna See more? Go here

Found this picture at DIY Network's site.

I LOVE how this one looks! It is in a restaurant, but the coloring is awesome. It was featured on this blog.

Well there you have it! Some things just look better with a little coat of paint. That's painted fireplaces from my view
Under My Mulberry Tree 

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