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Dining Table Conversion

Finishing my little dining table has been a long time coming. I purchased EVERYTHING for it just under a year ago. I reupholstered the chairs first, hoping it would give me incentive to finish the set. Then one of the chairs broke. Ya know when your mom always said don't lean back in your chair? Well my sweet hubby found out why. :) oops! Hence the long delay. Anyway. . . Here's how my little beauty turned out.

The table before. I didn't realize how much I hated the stain until I refinished it. It was very orange!
I sanded it first. Then applied a wood conditioner. (Highly recommend-it helps the stain adhere to the wood better. Plus it looks beautiful on the bare wood.)
Here she is all finished. What a difference?! These pictures don't do it justice.
Now I was thinking about getting 4 new chairs. 2 sets of 2, and painting them a creamy off-white. Since my chairs don't match anymore what's the point in refinishing just 3 of them. Let me know what you think about the chair idea.
I posted a picture of my living room so you can see what my color palate is.


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