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6 Be's

I have been wanting a sign of some sort with the 6 Be's to have somewhere in my house. There are so many out there but most of them are very country. Not country cottage but just country. I wanted something different. When I was blog surfing I noticed this 6 Be's sign and loved it! So I decided to try my hand at it. I had a piece of scrap wood and it was already a good shape for this little project. Instead of the blue that she used, I decided on a mustardy yellow. It would be perfect. I found different fonts on my computer that I liked and had to freehand them onto the wood because they weren't big enough to make into a stencil. Once they were drawn on I painted over them with random paint colors. To top it off I applied a layer of stain to give it a little something extra.

It turned out great, but where to put it. I decided on the small wall that you almost walk into when you go into my boys' room. It's the perfect place because I will see it everyday reminding me to be a better person.


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