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Round Table: After

I finally finished the round table project. It ended up being a little bit trickier than my original plan. (2 coats of spray paint) When I went to pick up the table, it was HUGE!!! Like table for a little patio set huge. Maybe not THAT big, but it was at least twice as big a round as I was expecting. For 10 bucks though, it was still a great deal. As I was putting it in my car I thought, man this would fit better if it were cut in half! There it was! I'm going to cut it in half and have a table for BOTH boys!! Pure genius! I've seen this done a few places, but here's inspiration from a fav blog of mine, Gus and Lula.

Both the desk, and her floating shelves in her foyer started out as on table and were made into these beauties. 

Remember the "Before"

Here is what I turned it into. . .

The green on this one ended up being a bit more neon than apple like the monsters on the bed. So it'll stay neon until I can find the right apple green.

I simply attached a small "L" bracket to each table that I then screwed into the wall. I LOVE how they turned out and more importantly, both boys LOVE having their own table. I'm still working on accessories, so don't judge too harshly. I'm getting there!

1 comment :

  1. It {they} turned out DARLING!!! I love how the boys decorated them for you already! :)
