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Sarah Pinto

On my most recent visit to Deliciously Organized, there was a giveaway (now closed), featuring Sarah Pinto planners. Anyone that knows me well, knows that I LOVE notebooks and planners. I'm somewhat of a collector of cute notebooks and journals. Do I use one all up before I start on a new one? . . . Of course not! If I find one I like better (or that just suits my current mood better) I'll switch cold turkey. 

So when I saw the modern designs on the Sarah Pinto planners AND notebooks, I about had a heart attack! THEN I discovered that a portion of her proceeds go to a cause that is near and dear to her heart. (and mine) She donates it to Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford. Her little boy was born with heart problems and has had heart surgeries since day 2 of his precious life. Having a cousin that went through the same thing that recently passed away, made the decision to get one of these AH-MAZING planners a total no-brainer. Now I just HAVE to have one.

They are affordable and look like they'd totally be worth every penny! 

I'm getting mine. Are you getting yours!?!

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