All my life I've been a jeans and a t-shirt kind of girl. In high school, I lived on the wild side and wore polos, blazers and khakis. In an effort to revamp my wardrobe and discover "my style", I've been following some great fashion blogs to get ideas. During my search a long long time ago, I found myself drooling on my computer desk over this. . .
Completely drool worthy right? A lovely striped number paired with nude pumps and pastel pink. Sigh. Cori at laviepetite has impeccable taste in clothing. I figured her style was a good place to start when it came to my style revamp. Well me and all my stubbornness, I decided I was going to set out and make my own drool worthy navy blue and white striped awning skirt. (holy run on sentence) My sewing skills are not yet that of miss Cori, but you've gotta start somewhere right? So I found a pattern and purchased the material. (Insert 10 months of procrastination) On a trip to Idaho/Montana to visit family for 2 weeks, I didn't bring a skirt. (knowing full well we'd be going to church at least once) I did, however, bring my material, pattern, scissors, pins, zipper and buttons. About 2:30 a.m. Saturday night I finished my skirt. Talk about waiting til the last minute. Here's what I came up with.
taken with my phone camera and made larger for the blog
Because I'm starting to experiment more with color and patterns in my clothing, I decided to just copy her complete look until I'm more comfortable. As luck would have it, I forgot my white cardi so I wore my green one instead and absolutely love the change!
I'm grateful you cannot see up close, because the construction is less than perfection. For my first piece of handmade clothing, I think it turned out lovely. The best part? It has POCKETS! I friggin love the pockets!
Along the way I learned a few things.
1. When making a piece of clothing, don't just take the patterns word for it. You have to take your measurements into consideration. (My skirt ended up being too big because I didn't custom make it to my body.)
2. If you have a question about the instructions. . . ASK! Someone. Anyone that might be able to help. There was a section of the instructions that was incomplete. They forgot to include how to attach the waistband to the bottom of the skirt. Seems like a no brainer. It wasn't! I was so glad my mom was there to help me improvise.
3. Your first piece of handmade clothing will NOT be constructed perfectly, so try again. Like sewing other things (blankets, curtains, etc.) you get better and better with each item. You learn tricks and tips along the way. Things you wish you had known before you started, but that can only be learned through experience.
4. Finish it! You can never hone your skills if you don't ever complete your projects.
Good luck ladies.
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