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Remember When

Remember that one time . . .? This seems to be a quote that The Hubs and I use a lot. We generally don’t use it years down the road, but immediately after something really funny, sad, random or even ridiculously crazy happens. Example. “Hey hun, remember that one time we bet my curtains on our March Madness Brackets because you hated the curtains and you lost!?!” That’s what I said to him as soon as I found out my bracket kicked his bracket’s trash and I got to keep my curtains that I love. hehe. Anywho. . . Remember that one time I showed you this picture


and then nothing happened with it? Well, something happened with it. Here’s what.


So here’s the story with this dresser. My in laws live in a nicer neighborhood than we do. To be expected right? Well with said nicer neighborhood, comes nicer bulk trash. Can you see where I’m going with this? Well one day I was driving to their house and spotted this dresser on the side of the road. Surely they can’t be getting rid of that dresser! Who would put that dresser out on the curb for the garbage man to haul away with his backhoe and giant garbage crushing truck!?! Someone with nicer things than me that considers and vintage Lane dresser with it’s beautiful dovetail drawers and solid wood construction, garbage. That’s who! So while The Hubs was away, I borrowed his sexy truck and enlisted the help of my amazing SIL. We made sure the owners were in fact planning on getting rid of it and loaded it up. The knobs were falling apart and one of the drawers was missing it’s track so it just hung out in the drawer compartment but still works. I LOVE it. And it turned out so pretty too! It’s fabulous what some paint, new knobs and some wood filler will do for such a sad dresser. Here are a few more before and after photos.


You may have also noticed that I have painted the walls as well. They were baby blue. (supposed to be grey originally but it came out blue) So I finally forked out the money to buy my favorite greige (BM Edgecomb Gray) and painted while The Hubs was away one Saturday. It made a HUGE difference as well.


I know it’s hard to tell, but it’s not white. If you read yesterday’s post about my mint green lamps, THAT is what color the dresser is. For whatever reason, I wasn’t able to get the color to translate into pictures. Oh well. I love it. My 3 y/o loves it and The Hubs said it looks nice. Win. Win. Win. Guess what. It's bulk trash there again this week. The Hubs should be afraid. VERY afraid.

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Back in the Saddle

I feel like I’ve been in a project rut lately. Part of that had to do with a rut I was in in real life (as opposed to craft life). So I got out of my funk, and started up my creative thinking again. First thing’s first, I put together a mood board for my Master Bedroom. Surprise surprise, I tweaked it a bit from the one I posed here.  I pinned my new one here via the Olioboard I made for it. Which btw is my new favorite toy! Did I mention, it’s FREE!?! check it out. BUT FIRST, check out my first project for my boudoir starting with the inspiration picture.


It’s an absolutely GORGEOUS lamp and it ought to be for $362.50. Yup! You heard me! $362.50 USD! Just a tad out of my price range, but the color combo of the mint gold and whatever color the shade is.  For a long while now I’ve been working on finding the perfect shape for bed side lamps and settled on Ginger Jar lamps and a favorite. If any of you have looked into these, then you know how pricey they can be like this from Etsy, or these also from Etsy. Not gonna happen. So I found these at a local thrift store. Not an exact match, but I knew I’d be painting them anyway so they were close enough. This is what I ended up with.


The best part about the set? It was $10.86 for the pair! I LOVE thrifting!


I know the shade isn’t an exact match to the inspiration. And I know that the grey stripe will probably bother a lot of you when you first see it. Trust me, I know! I kept texting my sister and a few friends to see what they honestly thought because it was bugging me. Then I decided that I probably didn’t like it because it was so out of my comfort zone. “You CAN’T mix GREY and GOLD!!! It CAN’T be done!!!” Well I tell yo uthat IT CAN! The more I see it, the more I just love it! It was a good first step to take me out of my box and take me towards a more eclectic un-matchy room. I can’t wait to do more!

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