So a few weeks back my SISTER and I found ourselves talking about books that you can have printed through flickr or Snapfish etc. She told me about the greatest thing EVER! It's called BLURB. If you haven't heard of it, awesome: I'll be the one to let you know. If you have heard of it then you already know how ridiculously amazing it is! Using the BookSmart feature, it uploads you blog and puts it into a book for you. That's not even the BEST PART! If you had a post that you didn't add all of the pictures on for fear of driving people away or a 10 page post, you can add them.
You can add text.
You can edit the font.
You can rearrange the pages.
You can add page breaks where you want them.
You can combine posts to one page.
You can make a book of particular years (what I did) or a book that is a complete compilation of your blog to date. The list goes on and on! It is such a great way to ORGANIZE your blog/pictures/stories/journal. The prices are really reasonable as well. I have been wanting to find someway to print my family blog since it has turned into my journal of sorts. Obviously printing it outright would take a lot of time and A LOT of money for the paper and ink. Plus it wouldn't be near the quality of a hard bound book. I am so excited about this new find and can't wait to finish my books! Head on over there and check it out!